Trick-or-Treat Safety Tips

Ask children what they like best about Halloween and the answer is likely to be dressing up and the candy. But safety and visibility top parent’s Halloween wish list. Neither has to be tricky if parents and children follow these suggestions.

Halloween and Kids

Avoid Masks

Children want to be scary and spooky; parents want them to be seen. Fortunately, make-up meets the specifications of both sides. make-up offers children a safer, more natural view than that offered by masks, which may not fit well or have adequately-sized eye openings. With hypoallergenic make-up in scary colors and parent’s help in make-up artistry, a child can sport a customized disguise without hampering vision. Parents should take care to keep make-up particles and applicators out of children’s eyes.

Get Noticed

Costumes can be both frightful and visible if parents decorate them with iron or sew-on reflective fabric, tape or decals. Retro-reflective material is the most effective way to make children visible to drivers. Studies show that people who wear retro-reflective material are visible to drivers even at speeds of 70 to 80 MPH. Be sure the material is placed so children are seen from the front, back and sides.

Make your Porch Safe

Adults can go even further to make Halloween safer for the trick-or-treaters by making sure any holes in the yard are filled, steps repaired and loose railings tightened. Porch and yard lights should also be turned on and property cleared of any yard equipment or other objects that might trip someone.

Drive with Caution

People who get behind the wheel Halloween night should be extra vigilant when traveling neighborhood streets. Reduce speed and make sure windshields, headlights and mirrors are clean. Drivers who have difficulty seeing at night should avoid driving on Halloween.

Adult Participation

Have an adult accompany trick-or-treaters. Be sure children walk on sidewalks, not in the street. Look both ways carefully at street crossings and try to cross at corners with street lights. A battery operated light adds an extra measure of visibility… and spookiness.

Halloween is a fun time for children, yet it need not scare parents. The key is to see and be seen.

Karen Griffith

Dr. Griffith is the owner and operator of Westside Optometry since 1989.