Eye Irritation

The skin condition, Acne Rosacea, may affect the eyes. A recent survey by the National Rosacea Society reports that 60 percent of rosacea patients also have eye involvement. In fact, ocular symptoms may appear before the effects of rosacea appear on the skin. Ocular Rosacea is characterized by redness around the eyelids, bloodshot eyes and watery appearance. Sufferers of Ocular Rosacea experience foreign body sensation, burning or stinging, dryness, itching, light sensitivity and blurred vision.

Gentle, consistent cleaning and oral medication may relief the symptoms of ocular rosacea. If ocular rosacea is not treated, patients could endure potentially serious consequences, such as scarring or corneal damage that could lead to decreased vision.

If you have any questions or would like more information about ocular rosacea, call the office or post a comment.

Eye Allergies

Spring is in the Air
And so is the pollen

75% of allergy symptoms involve the eye. These symptoms include itching, watering and redness. In moderate to severe cases, contact lenses can not be tolerated.

Oral allergy medications can help, but not as quickly or effectively as an allergy eye drop. There are several allergy drops available, some prescription and some over-the-counter. Some of the drops contain antihistamines, decongestants and/or mast cell stabilizers. Antihistamines provide immediate relieve of itching, the mast cell stabilizers provide long-lasting relief. Decongestants constrict the blood vessels to minimize redness, but offer no reduction in the allergic reaction. None of these drops can be used while wearing contact lenses. I will be happy to assist you in selecting the best pharmaceutical solution to your ocular allergies.

Below are some suggestions to minimize the symptoms of ocular allergies and related discomfort.

Recommendations to Reduce Allergic Reactions
 Avoid exposure to allergens
 Rinse eyes with sterile saline solution.
 Cold compresses – place a couple of ice cubes in a clean washcloth
 Maintain contact lens integrity by replacing and cleaning the lenses as prescribed
 Reduce irritation with proper eyelid and eyelash hygiene
 Control ocular dryness with artificial tear drops, proper hydration and supplements
 Begin allergy drops at the first signs of a reaction
 Wear wraparound sunglasses to shield the eyes