Progressive Lenses

If the print keeps getting smaller, you may have presbyopia, a common condition that can be corrected with multi-focal glasses or contact lenses.
The invention of bifocals is credited to Benjamin Franklin in the late 1700’s – that is some old technology. Flat-top or lined bifocals are still available and function well in certain situations. Another alternative to the lined bifocal are progressive lenses. Progressives feature an intermediate or “transition region” that allows your eyes to focus in the area in between near and far distances (a computer screen for example). Progressives, or “no-line bifocals,” have a gradual curvature across the lens surface and provide not only clearer vision at near and far distance, but also smooth, comfortable transitions in between.

comparing standard and HD progressives
Today you can find factory molded progressive lenses at many major retailers and even on the internet. These old-school progressive lenses are made for average prescription powers, standard fitting parameters and limited frame sizes. Fortunately, all progressive lenses are not created equal.
New technology takes the way we use our eyes and the optics of different prescriptions into consideration with the newly designed progressive lenses. More precise and individualized manufacturing provide smoother transitions and wider viewing zones with the elimination of blurring and swaying sensations in the peripheral vision. Free-form or digital high definition lenses utilize computer controlled surfacing. The position of the lens in the frame and the way the frame fits on the wearer’s face are all measured and considered in addition to the prescription.

At Westside Optometry we want to find the best lens design for your lifestyle and visual demands. Sunglasses are available in the new technology too.

New Progressive Lenses

Progressive lenses offer a range of vision as close to natural as can be obtained from prescription eyeglasses. Their hallmark is clearer vision at any distance or angle, and because there is no abrupt change of power anywhere in the lens, there are no visible dividing lines. They provide a great solution for many people who find their present lenses limit their vision for a particular distance or activity.

Continuing advances in manufacturing techniques mean more precise lenses that deliver even sharper, clearer vision; most patients consider them an improvement over their older ones. Ongoing design research has produced ways to further increase depth perception and the amount of clear vision at any angle of the newer progressives. In addition, the latest technology eliminates swimming and swaying sensations associated with typical progressive lenses.

Furthermore, if you’re like most progressive lens wearers then the exact prescription for each of your eyes is different. And the position of your nose and cheekbones affects the way you see through your lenses. So even with a correct prescription, older progressives were still limited in perfecting your vision. Increased measurements for fitting the newest progressive lenses produce a more customized, personalized set of glasses with the widest, clearest viewing zones possible, no matter how intricate the prescription. Ask us about the latest innovations in progressive lens designs and improve your vision experience. There are a variety of designs to choose from today.