Presbyopic Myths or the Truth about Aging Eyes

in need for glasses

Eye Exercises can Prevent Presbyopia
No eye exercise can prevent presbyopia. Eating bushels of carrots won’t prevent presbyopia. There is no elixer to prevent presbyopia. Presbyopia is not a disease, but an age-related condition that cannot be prevented.


More women than men develop presbyopia

Women are no more prone to presbyopia than men. However, you might notice that women wear reading glasses earlier than men. This is not due to differences in eye anatomy. It’s due to men having longer arms. On average, women’s arms are shorter than men’s. When it becomes increasingly difficult to read at arm’s length, women reach for reading glasses sooner.


Farsighted is the same as presbyopia

While both conditions relate to difficulty seeing up close, farsightedness and presbyopia are two different visual conditions with different causes and timelines.

Farsightedness (hyperopia) affects a portion of the population, but presbyopia eventually affects everyone. As you age, the lens in the eye starts to lose its elasticity and you gradually lose the ability to focus on objects up close. Farsightedness can occur at any age, where presbyopia usually occurs after age 40.


LASIK surgery cures presbyopia

Laser eye surgery, commonly referred to as LASIK, works very well for certain refractive errors such as astigmatism and myopia, but it will not correct presbyopia. Despite having undergone laser eye surgery, patients in their 40s will inevitable require vision correction for presbyopia.


If you have 20/20 vision, you can’t get presbyopia

Presbyopia is quite a surprise for someone who has always had good vision. While the age of onset varies, most people in their 40s first start to have a problem reading fine print, particularly in low light conditions. Other symptoms include needing to hold reading materials at arm’s length and headaches or fatigue from doing close-up work.

Luckily, there are visual corrections available to allow you to see up close, reading glasses, progressives and even contact lenses.




in need for glasses

Have you ever been in a restaurant trying to decide what to order? The lights are dim, you are practically burning up the menu manipulating it around the candle for more light… Or how about trying to hook up wires behind the TV or computer, can’t find the right hook-up? The above situations make presbyopia seem like an acute condition. Things that looked OK at the kitchen table by the window don’t seem as clear in the dark or when you are tired.

Presbyopia is the result of an aging process on the lens of the eye. The lens focuses light at all distances without much effort for the first forty plus years of our lives. Then kablamo…you can’t see to remove a sliver from your child’s finger.

Denial is the most common response. Eventually, presbyopia interferes with work. You find yourself switching numbers or getting headaches at the computer. Your over-all efficiency is diminished and your frustration is elevated. Sometimes a pair of reading glasses will solve the problem. Depending on your prescription and how you use your eyes, multifocals offer clear vision at multiple distances. Contact lens wearers can try monovision (an adjustment in the correction of one lens) or bifocal contact lenses.

Just know that you are not in this alone, my presbyopic eyes and I are here ready to help you. Stop struggling and let’s find a solution.




Have you ever been in a restaurant trying to decide what to order? The lights are dim, you are practically burning up the menu manipulating it around the candle for more light… Or how about trying to hook up wires behind the TV or computer, can’t find the right hook-up? The above situations make presbyopia seem like an acute condition. Things that looked OK at the kitchen table by the window don’t seem as clear in the dark or when you are tired.

Presbyopia is the result of an aging process on the lens of the eye. The lens focuses light at all distances without much effort for the first forty plus years of our lives. Then kablamo…you can’t see to remove a sliver from your child’s finger.

Denial is the most common response. Eventually, presbyopia interferes with work. You find yourself switching numbers or getting  headaches at the computer. Your over-all efficiency is diminished and your frustration is elevated. Sometimes a pair of reading glasses will solve the problem. Depending on your prescription and how you use your eyes, multifocals offer clear vision at multiple distances. Contact lens wearers can try monovision (an adjustment in the correction of one lens) or bifocal contact lenses.

Just know that you are not in this alone, my presbyopic eyes and I are here ready to help you. Stop struggling and let’s find a solution.