Mediterranean Diet

A Mediterranean diet is representative of the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. The menu includes daily consumption of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy fat, fish, poultry, beans and eggs. Dairy and red meat are limited.

A new study shows that to gain the benefits of a Mediterranean diet all components should be included to achieve a nutrient rich diet. It is also important to limit or eliminate processed foods and “white” foods such as rice, bread and sugar.

So how can you consume a daily menu with all components of the Mediterranean diet? Challenge yourself to find ways to add more vegetables to each meal? A handful of fresh spinach tossed into pasta or soup turns into about a tablespoon of nutrient rich greens. Adding nuts, fruits and vegetables into snacks and meals can push out unhealthy processed food. Plus, certain nuts and seed nourish the retina with vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. Make small changes initially so your palate can adjust and reduce cravings.

Pay attention to what you are eating. I know “mindful” is an over used word lately, but it applies to eating and changing habits. Be mindful of what you are putting into your mouth, savor each bite. If it’s not enjoyable find something that is tasty and relish each bite. I’m not talking about more chips or cookies, but maybe a fresh peach or handful of blueberries mixed in with your yogurt or oatmeal. And if it is “junk food,” definitely appreciate it and think about taking 1 or 2 bites instead of finishing the whole package.

We can’t control all factors that effect our health, but we can control what we eat. Start with small changes. Add vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, fish and poultry. Limit dairy and red meat. Aim to eliminate processed foods and sugar. Eat smaller portions. Give it a try, the only thing you may lose is a couple of pounds.

Eye Healthy Foods

[heading centered=”yes” margin_bottom=”no”]Nutrient rich foods can improve eye health[/heading]

A balanced diet is an important foundation to maintain good health, but most Americans don’t know what nutrients are best for their eyes. It is also not widely known that diet can affect your eye health and vision as you age. It’s important to make good lifestyle choices now to help avoid problems later. Enjoy a nutrient-rich diet, stay active and avoid harmful habits such as smoking.
So… what are the best foods for eye health? Most people think carrots are the best, but kale, collard greens, orange peppers and spinach are actually the most nutrient rich food for the eyes.
Green Leafy Vegetables and Eggs are rich in Lutein and Zeaxanthin. Many studies have shown that lutein and zeaxanthin reduce the risk of chronic eye diseases, including cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Theses plant-based pigments also appear to lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a leading cause of blindness. They are also protective antioxidants that work like internal sunglasses, absorbing damaging blue light.
Fruit and Vegetables are rich in Vitamins A, C and polyphenols. The eye’s light-sensitive retina (thin layer of tissue at the back of the eye) requires adequate vitamin A for proper function. Vitamin C supports the health of ocular blood vessels. Scientific evidence suggest vitamin C lowers the risk of developing cataracts and when taken in combination with other essential nutrients, can slow the progression of macular degeneration and visual acuity loss. Polyphenols are plant-derived substances that reduce inflammation and are especially high in colorful fruits and vegetables.

Nuts, Fortified Cereals and Sweet Potatoes are rich in eye-health Vitamin E. Vitamin E promotes the health of cell membranes and DNA repair and plays a significant role in the immune system. It has also been shown to slow the progression of macular degeneration and visual acuity loss when combined with other essential nutrients.

Salmon, Tuna and other Cold Water Fish contain Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Salmon filet on a wooden carving board.Omega-3 Fatty Acids may reduce inflammation, enhance tear production and support the eye’s oily outer layer by increasing oil that flows from the meibomian glands. Research has also shown omega-3 fatty acids can play a role in preventing or easing the discomfort of dry eye. Fish oil supplements are often prescribed as part of the Westside Optometry dry eye treatment.

The body doesn’t make the nutrients listed above on its own, so they must be replenished daily.

EyefoodsFor more information on Eyefoods check out the book I reviewed last year.

Vision Expo West

Riding Vespa at Vision Expo

It wasn’t all fun and games in Las Vegas this past weekend. Before Peg and I rode the Vespa under the Arc de Triomphe, we checked out the newest progressive lenses and learned some new measurement techniques.

Between Peg and I we attended 12 hours of education ranging from frame manufacturing to oral medications to nutrition. Here are the highlights of each course we want to share with you:

  • Global Frame Manufacturing. Italy was once the primary country for eyeglass frame manufacturing, but as with other industries, the factories have relocated in China for economic reasons. The next trend is a shift to India.  It takes time to train the workers and get the factories up to standard. The speaker emphasized that the quality of the product isn’t dependent of the country of production, but the individual factory of production. Some frame companies demand the highest standards of skill, environmental impact and human treatment.
  • Corneal Cross-Linking. Corneal X-linking is a treatment to stabilize a diseased corneal. Keratoconus is the primary condition that benefits from this procedure, and the earlier in the disease process it is performed the better the outcome and quality of life for the patient. Unfortunately, the US is the only non-third world country that doesn’t have approval. The FDA has delayed approval because corneal X-linking requires Riboflavin, a drug, and UVA radiation, a device. Apparently the FDA drug department and the FDA device department can’t work together. Until it is approved there are test sites in the US or patients have to leave the country for treatment.
  • Shades of Grey. Peg went to this course aimed at women and their maturing eyes and the tissue around the eye. Topics such as the risks and benefits of permanent make-up, Botox and Fillers were discussed. Common conditions like dry eye, the causes  and treatments were highlighted.
  • Eyefoods. This course was presented by Laurie Capogna, O.D., one of the authors of the book Eyefoods that I reviewed. She talked about preventative eyecare through nutrition and lifestyle. 2 take home points are Eyefoods do not Replace Supplements and Supplements do not Replace Eyefoods.
  • Strong and Unusual Lenses. The gist of this lecture was predicting the thickness and weight of lenses in various prescriptions. Utilizing different materials and lens treatments can improve the appearance and clarity of a high powered lens.
  • Oral Medications. This class included antibiotics, antivirals, steroids and supplements. The ocular complications of systemic medications  was also covered. For example Prozac can cause dry eye, light sensitivity and red eyes. Tamoxifen can cause changes to the macula.
  • Trouble-Shooting Eyewear Problems. The most important point in this class was to start with a good fitting frame. Not all frame designs work with all prescriptions and not all styles fit all faces.

Besides classes, we spent a lot of time in the exhibition hall which was divided into 3 areas: Eyewear & Accessories, Lenses & Processing Technology and Medical and Scientific. I purchased a new piece of testing equipment that I will talk more about when it arrives. We also visited vendors of dry eye treatments whose products Dr. Staton and I will be evaluating so we can better address  our patient’s dry eye issues. Lastly, Peg visited many frame companies. She has a short list of new products that we will transition into our dispensary as we update our frames.