New Dry Eye Treatment

There are many causes of Dry Eye symptoms. The causes surround us daily and can be difficult to avoid such as prolonged screen time, windy, dusty and smoky environments, allergies and medications such as antihistamines, decongestants, antidepressants, birth control pills  and hormone replacement therapy.

General health disorders like diabetes and thyroid disease contribute to ocular surface issues as do autoimmune disorders (Sjorgren’s syndrome, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis).

At Westside Optometry we consider dry eye a symptom of ocular surface disease. Dry, red, burning eyes are often not just from a lack of tears, but dysfunction of tissues and structures of the eyes and eyelids.

Westside Optometry recently added a new treatment option to our Dry Eye Clinic. Our new thermal device produces constant, targeted and sustained heat to the eyelids. The thermal device melts the waxy substance trapped inside the meibomian glands.

 Once sufficient heat has been applied (about 10 minutes) the doctor will apply compression to the lids to express the clogged meibomian glands. The application of controlled and localized heat is beneficial for dry eyes, blepharitis and styes.

In most cases, the doctor will follow the thermal treatment and expression with a BlephEx session to clean the lids and lashes thoroughly of all debris and demodex.

If you are interested in a dry eye exam and treatment,call the office to schedule and appointment. 707-762-8643.

What Happens at a Dry Eye Evaluation?

What happens at a dry eye exam?

If you are suffering from gritty, burning, red eyes; chances are your eyes are dry. The best treatment for your symptoms will depend on the cause of the condition which can be determined during a dry eye evaluation.

A dry eye exam begins with a questionnaire to help the doctor understand how dry eyes is affecting you daily and determine causes. Causes can be hormonal, medication induced, environmental factors and mechanical.

Meibomian gland dysfunctionTear quantity will be measured

Tear quality will be assessed.

The eyelids will be examined for underlying disease and contributing factors.

Once the doctor diagnoses the cause(s) of your dry eye she will develop a treatment plan.

What are dry eye treatments?

Eyelid hygiene is very important to the quality of the tears. The doctor will prescribe a hygiene program which may include hot compresses and a type of lid cleaning depending on the underlying cause of the dry eye condition.

Prescription eye drops may be required to quiet inflammation or improve the quality of tear producing goblet cells.

Non-preserved artificial tears may be prescribed

Oral supplements such as omega 3 can be prescribed to enhance tear quality.

Resolution of dry eyes takes time. Ongoing maintenance is often required to keep the eyes clear and comfortable.

How to Schedule an Evaluation

Westside Optometry is scheduling Dry Eye Visits on Thursdays. We ask that you’ve had a complete eye examination within the last 12 months, before a dry eye work-up. To schedule an exam or dry eye evaluation online hit the appropriate link below or call 707-762-8643

Schedule an Eye Examination

Schedule a Dry Eye Evaluation

Improved Dry Eye Care

Dr Staton and I spent attended the UC Berkeley School of Optometry lecture and workshop on “Dry Eye Disease: the Latest Trends in Clinical Care and Scientific Research.” Many eye conditions cause feelings of dryness, plugged meibomian glandsdiscomfort, burning, foreign body sensation or blurred vision. “Dry Eye” is a general term that is more a symptom of ocular surface disease than a cause. Many people stop wearing contact lenses because of poor tear quality. The majority of dry eye disease is caused from obstruction of the meibomian glands. The meibomian glands are located in the eyelids and secrete meibum, a substance important to the tear quality and health of the front surface of the eye. The accurate diagnosis and management of dry eye requires special evaluation that extends beyond a standard eye exam.
We have been experimenting and testing different eye drops, eyelid cleaning solutions and heat compresses to find the most cost effective and best results. Some dry eye treatments require prescription eye drops, oral medications, and/or punctual occlusion.
Dry eye can cause significant discomfort and poor vision for the person suffering from it. We are planning to aggressively treat and control dry eye causes and symptoms. Don’t be surprised if either one of us asks you to schedule a dry eye assessment. Or you can be proactive and schedule yourself.
We are starting the dry eye clinic on Thursdays and will expand as demand requires.