Vision Screening Vs. Vision Exam

The department of motor vehicles, the school nurse and the pediatrician use vision screening to identify vision problems. Screening usually involves standing a given distance from a lettered chart, covering one eye and reading down the chart to the smallest letter possible.


A vision screening is intended to help identify children with eye or vision problems that threaten sight or impair their ability to develop and learn normally. However, vision screenings are a limited process and cannot be used to diagnose an eye or vision problem, but rather to indicate a potential need for further evaluation.

Screenings are typically designed to detect problems with distance vision, and that is important for children socially and physically, but myopia represents the least risk for reading and learning. A myopic child is more likely to notice that the board is blurry and move to the front of the classroom. Hyperopia on the other hand, makes it more difficult to see things close up and astigmatism effects vision at all distances. Children with uncorrected hyperopia and astigmatism will have more difficulty reading and writing and may not even be aware that the difficulty is due to his or her vision. These are the children that may complain of headaches, avoid reading and school related tasks.
A vision screening test identifies some vision problems, but can miss disorders that have a profound effect on a child’s ability to succeed in school.

During a comprehensive eye examination an optometrist can identify, diagnose and prescribe treatment.



Hyperopia or farsightedness, is a type of refractive error in which the eye doesn’t have enough power. This is usually due to a short eye or small eye size. Other causes include a small curvature of the cornea or lens.
In a hyperopic eye the light rays converge to a point behind the eye. If you’re farsighted, distance objects are often easier to see than near objects. Hyperopia is often noticed while working on a computer or reading.
Hyperopia can be corrected with plus power contact lenses and glasses. The lenses shorten the converging light rays so images focus on the retina.

Glasses before Medications

High, undiagnosed hyperopia (far-sightedness) can cause children to display symptoms similar to ADD/ADHD, including difficulty concentrating and problems with reading. Before any child is prescribed medication for ADD or ADHD, a thorough eye examination is vital. Vision  Screenings done at the pediatricians or by a school nurse often miss hyperopia. Most children with hyperopia can see in the distance fine, but have difficulty focusing on objects close to them. It’s scary to think about how many kids are taking medications just because they’re farsighted.

Schedule an eye examination!

Reliability of Vision Screenings

     The department of motor vehicles, the school nurse and the pediatrician use vision screening to identify vision problems. Screening usually involves standing a given distance from a lettered chart, covering one eye and reading down the chart to the smallest letter possible.
     According to a recent study in Australia, researchers found that results for detecting myopia in 12 -13 year olds was nearly 98%. Good news for the nearsighted, but not so good for the tweens with astigmatism or hyperopia. Only half of the hyperopic children were identified by the vision screening and 25% of the kids with astigmatism were missed.
Screenings are best designed to detect problems with distance vision, and that is important for children socially and physically, but myopia represents the least risk for reading and learning. A myopic child is more likely to notice that the board is blurry and move to the front of the classroom. Hyperopia on the other hand, makes it more difficult to see things close up and astigmatism effects vision at all distances. Children with uncorrected hyperopia and astigmatism will have more difficulty reading and writing and may not even be aware that the difficulty is due to his or her vision. These are the children that may complain of headaches, avoid reading and school related tasks.
     A vision screening test identifies some vision problems, but can miss disorders that have a profound effect on a child’s ability to succeed in school.