Contact Lens Prescriptions

Contact lens prescriptions generally expire on a yearly basis, unless otherwise specified. Seeing your eye doctor regularly for a comprehensive eye exam will not only keep your prescription updated, and evaluate your ocular health, but an eye exam will also help identify and lead to diagnosis of other health concerns such as hypertension and diabetes. At your eye exam Dr. Griffith may recommend a newer/better contact lens option for you, too.
A contact lens is a medical device and can be worn to correct vision as well as for cosmetic or therapeutic reasons. In the United States, all contact lenses, even purely cosmetic ones, require a prescription. They must be properly fitted and prescribed by an eye doctor. soft CL

An eye examination is needed to determine an individual’s suitability for contact lenses. This typically includes a refraction to determine the proper power of the lens and an assessment of the health of the eye. Dr. Griffith will also ask questions about your lifestyle, general health and contact lens wearing goal. If you haven’t worn contact lenses before, training for application and removal of the contact lens is necessary. If the lenses are to be re-used, a care and disinfecting system is required too. A follow-up appointment will determine the proper fit and lens compatibility for your eyes. Contact lenses are not a “one size fits all” device. There are many parameters to each lens. Besides the power to correct the vision, material and edge design will effect the comfort. The size: diameter and curvature are factors in the fit and ultimately the response of the cornea and eyelids to the contact lens.

Prescriptions for contact lenses and glasses may be similar, but are not interchangeable.

Special Effect Contact Lenses

cosmetic contact lenses Cosmetic contact lenses can add the perfect effect to many Halloween costumes. But it isn’t worth losing your eyesight over. The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has released a consumer update video on the dangers of wearing special effects contact lenses when not properly prescribed by an authorized eye care professional, not properly worn and cared for and purchased from an illegal source.
Improper use of contact lenses can result in serious eye infections, eye abrasions, vision problems and even blindness. To minimize the risk, visit us for a contact lens exam, fitting and prescription before purchasing any contact lenses – even if they are non-prescription lenses.
If you are already a successful contact lens wearer, ask about colored and cosmetic contact lenses in your prescription.

To watch a video from the FDA click this link. Cosmetic Contact Lens Safety

For Safe Use of Cosmetic Contact Lenses:

1. Even if you don’t need a vision correction, have a contact lens exam and fitting.

2. Buy contact lenses only from licensed distributors that require a prescription. Never buy contact lenses from an unlicensed source that doesn’t require a prescription.

3. Always follow wearing instructions and use only prescribed contact lens solutions for disinfection.

4. Never share your contact lenses. While it may seem like a fun idea to swap special effects lenses with your friends, sharing contacts can spread bacteria and result in serious eye health problems, including loss of vision.

5. Most “crazy” contact lenses are designed for daily wear only and are not FDA approved for overnight wear. Do not sleep in cosmetic contacts.

6. If you experience any eye redness, swelling, or discomfort, immediately remove the contact lenses and call me as soon as possible. This could be the sign of a potentially sight-threatening eye infection.