
Close up right upper eye lid abscess "stye or hordeolum"

There are 2 types of red and painful eyelid lumps:
STYES are at the base of the eyelashes in the tiny opening of the oil-producing glands. The oily secretions from these glands are an essential component of the tears and help keep the eyes lubricated. If the openings become clogged, bacteria grows and a localized infection called a STYE results.
CHALAZIA look similar to a stye but affect the meibomian glands which are located deeper in the eyelids. A chalazion usually does not contain an active bacterial infection. It may initially be red and swollen but within a few days it changes to a painless, slow growing lump within the eyelid.


Styes are usually treated with hot, moist compresses. Since the stye is caused by bacteria, usually from our hands or make-up, I recommend replacing your makeup and of course not rubbing your eyes.

Chalazia are also treated with hot moist compresses but more aggressively, 10 minutes four times a day. This may soften the debris trapped in the duct and promote drainage. Chalazia are often associated with blepharitis or eyelid inflammation and preventative steps are recommended.

Red Winter Eyes

Colder temperatures, winter winds and moisture zapping heaters can cause dry, red and irritated eyes. Tears are essential for good eye health and clear vision. They bathe the eye, washing out dust and debris, and keep the surface moist and clear. The natural tear film also contains enzymes that neutralize microorganisms, reducing the risk of eye infections. Tear FilmThe most common signs and symptoms of dry eyes are persistent dryness and irritation, scratchiness, a burning feeling in your eyes and red eyes. Oddly enough, dry eye syndrome also can make your eyes watery, as dryness can cause a protective overproduction of the watery component of your tears.

How to prevent dry eyes in winter:

  • Cold winter wind outdoors and dry heat indoors can cause or worsen dry eyes. Follow these tips to keep dry eyes at bay.
  • Wear sunglasses or goggles. Wearing close-fitting sunglasses outdoors reduces exposure to sun and wind that can dry out your eyes. If it’s especially cold and windy, try foam-lined goggles that provide even greater protection from tear evaporation.
  • Supplement your diet. Fish oil and other nutritional supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent or relieve dry eye symptoms.
  • Drink more water. Mild dehydration often makes dry eyes worse, especially during dry and windy weather.
  • Switch contact lenses. If your contact lenses feel dry and uncomfortable, ask me about trying different lenses that are replaced more frequently and/or are better for someone with dry eyes.
  • Maintain good eyelid hygiene. This includes thorough removal of all make-up and cleaning of the eyelashes and eyelids.

Dry eyes may not be completely curable but the dryness, scratchiness and burning sensation can be managed. In addition to dry eye evaluations, Westside Optometry carries products we have found most beneficial for dry eye treatment.

bruder mask

Bruder Masks   – a reusable hot compress      



Cliradex  – Individual wipes to naturally clean and promote overall eye and skin health


Avenova – A daily spray that cleans debris and microorganisms from eyelids and eyelashes, as well as reducing inflammation.

Oasis Tears

Oasis  – A preservative-free artificial tear that contains long-molecule hyaluronic acid which keeps the moisture on the eye longer.