
in need for glasses

Have you ever been in a restaurant trying to decide what to order? The lights are dim, you are practically burning up the menu manipulating it around the candle for more light… Or how about trying to hook up wires behind the TV or computer, can’t find the right hook-up? The above situations make presbyopia seem like an acute condition. Things that looked OK at the kitchen table by the window don’t seem as clear in the dark or when you are tired.

Presbyopia is the result of an aging process on the lens of the eye. The lens focuses light at all distances without much effort for the first forty plus years of our lives. Then kablamo…you can’t see to remove a sliver from your child’s finger.

Denial is the most common response. Eventually, presbyopia interferes with work. You find yourself switching numbers or getting headaches at the computer. Your over-all efficiency is diminished and your frustration is elevated. Sometimes a pair of reading glasses will solve the problem. Depending on your prescription and how you use your eyes, multifocals offer clear vision at multiple distances. Contact lens wearers can try monovision (an adjustment in the correction of one lens) or bifocal contact lenses.

Just know that you are not in this alone, my presbyopic eyes and I are here ready to help you. Stop struggling and let’s find a solution.


Not seeing clearly in the distance is usually caused by myopia or nearsightedness. Nearly 30% of Americans are myopic. Children with one myopic parent have a 2X greater risk of developing myopia whereas those with two myopic parents have an 8X greater risk. Physical length of the eye seems to be the biggest factor. In addition to heredity, visual stress is thought to be a contributing factor to myopia.Visual stress is caused by too much close work. Even though the tendency to develop myopia may be inherited, its actual development may be affected by how a person uses his eyes. Individuals who spend considerable time reading, working at a computer or doing other intense close visual tasks increase their visual stress and possibly the incidence of myopia.

A common symptom of nearsightedness is difficulty seeing things far away like a movie or street signs. Generally, myopia first occurs in school-age children. Because the eye continues to grow during childhood, myopia progresses until about age 20.

Correction Options for Myopia

Not quite myopia:

  • Some people experience blurred distance vision only at night. This “night myopia” may be due to the low level of light making it difficult for the eyes to focus properly or the increased pupil size during dark conditions, allowing more peripheral,unfocused light rays to enter the eye.
  • People who do an excessive amount of near vision work may experience a false or “pseudo” myopia. The blurred distance vision is caused by over use of the eyes’ focusing mechanism. After long periods of near work, the eyes are unable to relax and refocus to see clearly in the distance. The symptoms are usually temporary and clear distance vision may return after resting the eyes.
  • Symptoms of nearsightedness may also be a sign of variations in blood sugar levels in persons with diabetes or an early indication of a developing cataract.

If you are experiencing blurry vision at any distance give Westside Optometry a call.