Sjogren’s Syndrome

 Sjogren’s is an autoimmune disease that affects the entire body. Along with symptoms of extensive dryness, including dry eyes and corneal infections, other serious complications include profound fatigue, chronic pain, major organ involvement, neuropathies and lymphomas.

Most people with Sjogren’s syndrome are women. It can occur at any age and in any race, but most often shows up after age 40.

The immune system is supposed to fight disease by killing off harmful viruses and bacteria. But with autoimmune diseases, the immune system attacks parts of the body by mistake. In Sjogren’s, the immune system attacks the glands that make tears and saliva. The damage keeps these glands from working properly and causes dry eyes and dry mouth.

Sjogren’s Syndrome is diagnosed with medical history, physical exam, specific eye and mouth tests and blood tests.

Treatment differs by what parts of the body are affected.

Treatment for the eyes includes artificial tears and ointments to protect the surface of the eye. Prescription eye drops such as Restasis and Xiidra suppress ocular inflammation . Punctal occlusion, temporary or permanent, prevent tears from draining from the eye.

Avoiding medications which cause dryness is helpful, this includes cold and allergy medicines, diuretics, some blood pressure pills, some antipsychotic drugs and antidepressants.

It’s natural to worry when you learn you’ve got a chronic condition that requires regular care. Most people with Sjogren’s stay healthy and don’t have serious problems.

For more information,


Long-Lasting Lubricating Eye Drop

Not all eye drops are the same. Oasis TEARS is a new type of eye drop with a unique formula, optimized to provide long-lasting comfort. Some of the benefits of Oasis TEARS Lubricant Eye Drops:

  • Oasis TEARS offers instant relief of dry eye symptoms
  • It is natural and contains no damaging chemicals
  • Provides prolonged comfort with fewer applications
  • Provides moistening and lubrication to the surface of the eye
  • Eliminates the source of toxic irritation with preservative-free options

Oasis TEARS Lubricant Eye Drops coat, lubricate, and moisten delicate eye tissue. With each blink of your eye, a special substance in Oasis TEARS combines with the active ingredient, glycerin, to keep tears on the eye surface for a long time. This unique combination coats and recoats the surface of the eye for continued relief of dry and, irritated eyes. Use Oasis TEARS to relieve all dry eye symptoms any time of day. They work well for tired eye and discomfort related to computer vision syndrome.

Westside Optometry is pleased to offer Oasis TEARS for dry eye relief. To learn more about Oasis TEARS click here

Contact Lens Tip

An easy way to make contact lenses more comfortable is to put a drop of artificial tears into the eye or onto the lens before putting on the contact lens. The scientific basis for this includes physical lubrication which enhances comfort by reducing dryness and protecting the cornea (surface of the eye). It also increases viscosity and lowers the tear film tension so the eye stays wetter.

In addition, the common ingredient in artificial tears is carboxymethylcellulose (CMC). The CMC is negatively charged so it binds to the preservatives in the multi-purpose disinfecting solutions to decrease irritation.

If your contact lenses are uncomfortable and you find yourself taking the lenses out earlier each day or not even putting them in, call Westside Optometry to schedule an appointment.