Eye Strain

Our eyes were designed for us to use as hunters and gatherers. Now we hunt and gather information on the internet. We are not fully equipped to handle all of the demands placed on our eyes by today’s technological devices.computer time
We have become a society seekeing efficiency and convenience. However the very devices that bring those benefits havae a downside, especially eye fatigue. The eye has a muscle, called the ciliary body that tenses up as it tries to focus on back-lit screens, hour after hour. When this muscle locks up it causes a variety of uncomfortable symptoms.

By reducing the amount of blue light that enters the eye, individuals will be able to increase their comfort and reduce eye fatigue, headaches, blurred vision and other related discomfort that can hamper the efficiency we use our smart phones and tablets for in the first place.

Within the visible light spectrum there is “good blue light” and “bad blue light.” The good blue light helps our body’s biorhythms and sleep patterns. While overexposure to High Energy Visible (HEV) or “bad blue light,” attacks us with a wide range of annoying and chronic conditions associated with Computer Vision Syndrome and Digital Eye Strain.

Fortunately there is an anti-reflective lens treatment that reflects the HEV blue light away from the eyes. This coating ensures the portion of blue light we need for optimal contrast and other health benefits is allowed to pass through while preventing the “bad blue light” from reaching our eyes. If you are bothered by eye strain and are spending more time staring at a screen ask about the blue-blocking anti-glare coating for your next pair of glasses.

Karen Griffith

Dr. Griffith is the owner and operator of Westside Optometry since 1989.

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