Cool things patients teach me

I would like to say that I think of this stuff by myself but my brain is scientific and analytical (a good trait for a doctor). I can’t help but admire a creative mind. The other day I asked a patient for a list of medicines he was taking and he whipped out his iPhone. I thought he was going to call his wife to ask her, instead he went to his notes and read his list to me. Usually I get a piece of paper which I appreciate because I can xerox it and update my list later, but the phone list was legible, and up-to date. I was very impressed until about an hour later I asked a different patient if there were any changes in the medicine he was taking. The gentlemen whipped out his phone. PrescriptionNo way, this has never happened and twice in the same morning, did I miss a memo? Instead of a list, the patient showed me a picture. The picture was a pill bottle of his newest medication. Easier yet, includes dosage, correct spellings and even easier to maintain. Just take a picture of the bottle. Brilliant!

How do you use your smart phone to be smarter about your health and eyes? What about setting alerts when it is time to change your contact lenses?