It’s Spring!

[heading centered=”yes” margin_bottom=”no”]Stop Itching Your Eyes[/heading]
Plant pollen, house dust and animal dander can trigger ocular allergies. This causes tearing, itching and eye swelling. Cold compresses and sterile saline eye rinses are soothing. For more severe and persistent symptoms, a prescription eye drop can provide the relief you need. These drops can both relieve the itch and discomfort and prevent them from continuing.
[heading centered=”yes” margin_bottom=”no”]Don’t Let Gardening Bug your Eyes[/heading]
Don’t forget to protect your eyes when gardening. Put on those safety goggles before mowing the the lawn, trimming the bushes or using garden chemicals. Scratches and objects in the eye caused by flying debris are very painful, but can be prevented. Chemical burns and other eye irritations caused by fertilizers and weed killers can be avoided too.
[heading centered=”yes” margin_bottom=”no”]Play Ball![/heading]
Protective sports goggles are a good investment for any child who plays sports. The glasses your child wears for school are not designed to be protective in the event of a sports trauma. The lens in your child’s fashion frame could easily pop out and puncture or cut the eye. A frame mangled from impact could also injure young eyes. Ask about sports goggles.


Back to School

School age children can experience unexpected and sudden changes in vision that may lead to behavioral and attention issues in the classroom. Make a comprehensive eye examination a priority for your child this year.

Some important health and safety tips for your child’s eyes:

  • Look for indicators of vision issues.    Common signals that your child may be experiencing a vision problem include covering one eye, holding reading materials close to the face, a short attention span and complaining of headaches or other discomfort.


  • Prevent eye strain by monitoring use of digital devices. Increased exposure to electronic devices in and out of the classroom can cause digital eyestrain, including burning or itchy eyes, headaches, blurred vision and exhaustion. The American Optometric Association recommends following the 20-20-20 rule (taking a 20-second break, every 20 minutes and looking at something at least 20 feet away), blinking frequently and adjusting your child’s computer screen to prevent glare can prevent discomfort.


  • Wear appropriate eye protection for sports and outdoor activities.  Well-fitting, protective eye wear and quality sunglasses that offer UV protection are also critical to maintaining key visual skills for sports and preventing injuries.


One in four children has an undiagnosed vision problem because changes in their eyesight go unrecognized by both the child and their parents. Include an eye exam on your back to school list. It may be the single most important investment you can make in your child’s education and overall health.


5 Tips to Healthy Eyes this Summer

Contact Lens Safety in water [heading centered=”yes” margin_bottom=”no”]Wear sunglasses with UV protection[/heading] 
Did you know that it is actually possible for your eyes to get sunburned?! Just like your skin, your eyes need protection from the sun. Wearing sunglasses outdoors is very important in protecting your eyes from harmful UV rays. Excessive exposure to UV light can also increase your risk for developing early cataracts and macular degeneration. When looking for a new pair of sunglasses, make sure that they have a minimum UV 400 protection and that they block both UVA and UVB rays. Additionally, sunglasses will provide a shield of protection from dust and debris that can get blown into your eyes, which is a great added bonus, especially on those windy beach days!
[heading centered=”yes” margin_bottom=”no”]Maintain safe wear and care of contact lenses[/heading]
Keep your eyes healthy this summer by practicing safe contact lens wear. Long days, hot weather, travel, and lots of time outdoors can put you at a higher risk of developing a contact lens-related eye problem. In order to minimize this risk don’t forget to maintain proper contact lens hygiene! Remember to make sure that your hands are washed before handling your contact lenses, always use fresh contact lens solution, and minimize contact with water; this includes removing your contacts before going swimming or in a hot tub. And if you notice any redness, irritation, light sensitivity, decreased vision, or discharge, do not wear your contacts and call the office immediately.

[heading centered=”yes” margin_bottom=”no”]Wear protective eyewear[/heading]
Summertime often means working on projects around the house. This can include gardening, painting, remodeling, etc. that can potentially result in small objects flying around. Make sure you wear proper eye protection during these activities. And by eye protection, this does not mean regular glasses or sunglasses, this means professional quality goggles with impact resistant lenses and full coverage frame. You’ll also want to be sure to protect your peepers while playing sports, especially those that utilize small sized balls, such as golf balls, squash balls, and badminton shuttlecocks. Wearing proper eyewear can prevent up to 90 percent of serious eye injuries. If you do experience an eye injury, make sure to call us so that a proper eye health examination can be performed.
[heading centered=”yes” margin_bottom=”no”]Avoid chemicals and natural irritants[/heading]
Chemicals found in pools and bacteria often found in lakes and rivers can be harmful or bothersome to your eyes. Be sure to always wear goggles if you will be opening your eyes while playing or swimming in water. Other natural irritants that you may be exposed to while outdoors or hiking can include poison ivy, oak, and insect bites. If you find yourself outside near these irritants, be mindful of keeping your hands clean after touching plants, as rubbing allergens into your eyes can be very uncomfortable. If you notice any eye irritation, swelling, or redness, after any of these activities, contact the office so we can aid in determining the cause and help relieve your symptoms.
[heading centered=”yes” margin_bottom=”no”]Schedule your yearly eye examination[/heading]
Since you and the kids often have a little extra free time over the summer, it is the perfect time to schedule your annual eye examination?! A comprehensive eye exam is one of the most important preventative ways to preserve vision, and is the only way to accurately assess the health of your eyes, diagnose an eye disorder or disease, and determine if you require corrective lenses. Catching potential eye problems early could save your vision in the future, and that makes for an extremely bright and happy summer! Schedule online.

Kids in Glasses


OP kids grad 2015  Don’t dread helping your child select and wear his first pair of glasses. Here are some tips and suggestions to help:

Selecting Frames

  • Fit – well fitting frames are key to your child wearing the glasses. A well fit frame is comfortable, stays adjusted and provides optimum clarity. Unlike shoes, you do not want a frame to “grow into.” The frame should fit well initially. Nosepads offer the ability to adjust for a better fit (and unadjust), but they can break off. A plastic frame that fits well on the bridge of the nose will hold it’s shape better.
  • Function – A flexible frame is necessary for babies and toddlers. We prefer a one piece frame with no parts to break off. There are flexible metals for older children. This can be beneficial for kids that fall asleep in the glasses or get bumped often. If your child plays sports a separate pair of sports goggles is recommended.
  • Fashion – once fit and function have been accomplished, the frame style is key to success. A child must like the glasses or wearing them will be a daily battle. Fortunately, there are many frame styles and colors available in children sizes.

OP kids metal 2015

The Lens

Polycarbonate is a requirement for all children. It is impact resistance, lightweight and has ultraviolet protection. Other enhancements to consider are non-glare coatings and tints. A lens that changes from light to dark can be appreciated for a child who is indoors and outside.

Wearing the Glasses

Most children will wear the glasses because they will see better. Parents can set a good example by being positive about the child wearing glasses and about their own eyewear. Also be clear on when the glasses should be worn, full-time, distance or reading. When your child picks up the new glasses, we will explain how to care for them and provide a case for storage. You may hear a familiar mantra – “If the glasses aren’t on your face, put them in the case.”

The glasses will need to be tightened and adjusted with constant handling. Don’t hesitate to bring them in for maintenance, (and a little cleaning).


OP Kids 2015

Eye Safety in the Gym


Basketball is the leading cause of sport-related eye injuries according to Prevent blindness America, Roughly 6,000 Americans each year report eye injuries from basketball. Basketball also leads the 15 and older age group for eye injuries.
The best recommendation for eye injury prevention is wearing protective eyewear that meets the ASTM standards.
The type of eye injury varies depending on the sport but the most common include corneal abrasion, blunt trauma, fractured eye socket and detached retina. The most common injuries occurring on the basketball court are abrasions caused by fingers scratching the eye and surrounding tissues.

Sports goggles can be worn with or without prescription lenses.  Protective EyewearAt Westside Optometry we have sizes for children, teens and adults and they are available in a variety of color combinations.

Choosing the Best Lens for your Glasses

The lenses you choose for your eyeglasses – even more than the frames – often will determine how happy you are with your eyewear.
When buying eyeglasses, the frame you choose is important to both your appearance and your comfort when wearing glasses. But the eyeglass lenses you choose influence four factors: appearance, comfort, vision and safety.
A common mistake people make when buying eyeglasses is not spending enough time considering their choices of lens materials , designs and coatings.


Lens Materials

Eyeglass lens thickness is determined in part by the size and style of the frame you choose. For thinner lenses, choose smaller, round or oval frames; plastic frames hide edge thickness better.
Glass Lenses. Originally, all the eyeglass lenses were made of glass. Although glass lenses offer exceptional optics, they are heavy and can break, potentially causing serious harm to the eye or even loss of an eye. For these reasons, glass lenses are not used for eyeglasses very often.

Plastic Lenses. The first plastic eyeglass lenses were made of a plastic polymer called CR-39. Because it is half the weight of glass, has good optics and is inexpensive, it remains a popular choice for lens material.

Polycarbonate Lenses were introduced in the 1970s for safety glasses. Originally developed for helmet visors for the Air Force it offers a lighter and significantly more impact-resistant option. It is preferred for children’s eyewear, safety glasses and sports eyewear.

Trivex is a newer lightweight eyeglass material with similar impact-resistant properties as polycarbonate. It has better clarity than the polycarbonate, but isn’t quite as thin.

High-Index Plastic Lenses are indicated for thinner, lighter eyeglasses. High-index materials also provide UV protection.

Lens Treatments

For more comfortable and better looking glasses, the following lens treatments are available.

Anti-Reflective Coating (ARC) makes all eyeglass lenses look and perform better.  AR vs no ARARC eliminates reflections in lenses that reduce contrast and clarity, especially at night. The coating makes the lenses look invisible and increase the transmission of light. This is especially important in high index lenses, because of the higher index of refraction that causes more light to be reflected.

Adaptive Lenses or Transitions change color depending on the ambient ultraviolet light levels.

Digital Lenses reduce aberrations and improve clarity. This is most important in higher prescriptions and progressive lenses.

The next time you are selecting glasses, take advantage of the Westside Optometry team to design the optimum pair for you.

Caring for your Glasses

You have carefully selected the best lens design and material fit in a stylish frame; it is important to take good care of your new eyewear.

eye glass care

  • Remove glasses from your face with two hands
  • Never place glasses lens side down, it is best to put them in their case when not wearing them
  • Clean glasses with water and a little oil-free soap. Wipe them with a clean cloth or a cloth especially designed for your lenses
  • Do not leave glasses on the dashboard of your car. (It gets too hot for the frame and any coatings on the lenses)
  • If your glasses start to slide or feel lopsided on your face, come by the office for an adjustment

Eye Safety Month

October is eye safety month, what precautions are you taking to prevent eye injury and trauma?

Protective EyewearAt Westside Optometry we have a complete selection  of sports eyewear for the young and the experienced athlete. Protective eyewear is as important to your game as proper shoes and padding. Sports goggles can be made in all prescriptions, with or without a tint.


Protective eyewear isn’t just for the workplace or industrial setting, Most eye injuries happen at home. Non-prescription protective eyewear is available at hardware stores. If you safety framesusually wear glasses, prescription safety glasses are recommended. All our safety eyewear is available with side shields and meet the ANSI.


Click here to learn more about eye emergencies.

Mirror Coatings

Mirror coatings are available in every color of the spectrum. While there is an aesthetic appeal, mirror coatings also have tangible benefits, especially for outdoor activities on water or snow. Glare reduction is the main benefit. The mirror coating adds a level of comfort and glare protection in situations where a polarized lens may not be enough.

mirror coated lenses

Indoors, at clubs, casinos, and the poker table, mirrored lenses can benefit players looking to hide their eyes. Mirror coatings can be applied to clear lenses so the wearer has maximum light transmission.

The color of the mirror does not affect the visual perception of the wearer. Solid mirror and flash mirror are both popular in sunwear. Flash mirrors are less intense aesthetically – they have a less intense mirror look and allow a little more light to pass through.

Play Safe

Westside Optometry is a Sports Eye Injury Prevention Center. We have added a complete collection of sports frames in all sizes, styles and colors. Nearly all sports related eye injuries are preventable.
If your child wears prescription glasses, what does she do with them before Soccer Goggle Girlwalking out onto the soccer field? Take them off so they don’t get broken. Now she can’t see to play her best. I bet she has a pair of cleats, shin guards… Doesn’t a pair of sports goggles sound like a good idea?

F8 Rec SpecsChildren between 5 and 14 are at most risk for eye injuries playing baseball and softball. Basketball represents the greatest risk for eye injury for older children.

Come by to see the options.