Preventing Macula Degeneration

Age-Related Macula Degeneration (ARMD) is a progressive disease that damages the area of the eye that is responsible for color, clarity and visual details, the macula. If the integrity of the macula is compromised by blood, fluid, or tissue changes the result is blurry and distorted vision. Vision loss can occur suddenly or slowly.

Causes of Macula Degeneration

There are causes of ARMD that are beyond our control and there are causes that we can control.

The Uncontrollable Factors: Age, Family History, Skin and Eye Pigment

The Controllable Factors: Smoking, Diet, Ultraviolet Exposure, Exercise

Of the factors within our control, I’m going to address what we eat.eyes and nutrition

In 2006, the researchers at the National Eye Institute began a study to see if they could improve on the 2001 Age Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS). A list of FAQ is available here . The results of the studies show that taking a supplement with high levels of specific antioxidants and zinc can reduce the risk of progression in people with moderate to advanced macula degeneration. The level of vitamins and minerals in the AREDS2 formula is difficult to achieve from diet and standard multivitamins alone so a dietary supplement is available.

After your eye examination, I may recommend taking a AREDS2 supplement. This supplement is easily found with the other vitamins and supplements in the pharmacy and super market.

I also recommend trying to eat more foods that contain the nutrients in the AREDS2 formula: Vitamin C (500mg), Vitamin E (400IU), Zinc (80 mg), Copper (2mg), Lutein (10mg) and Zeaxanthin (2mg).

  Lutein and Zeaxanthin can be obtained in green leafy vegetables and other foods such as eggs.

Most of us are familiar with Vitamin C, it is in fruits and vegetables, including oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, green peppers and tomatoes.

Vitamin E is fat soluble and found in nuts, sweet potatoes and fortified cereals.

Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) are in fatty fish like tuna, salmon, whole grain foods, chicken and eggs.

Zinc is obtained in extra lean red meat, poultry, liver, shellfish, dairy, whole grains and legumes.

This might sound a bit like the Mediterranean diet. There is ongoing research to see if a heart-healthy diet of plant-based foods, oils, fish, lean meats and whole grains can reduce the development of ARMD. Stay tuned.

Welcome Back

We have resumed routine eyecare, contact lens appointments and optical services. Medical care will continue for emergencies and we plan to begin seeing patients for dry eye treatments sometime in June.

Your visit to Westside Optometry will look a little different with precautions taken for your safety and ours. Masks that cover the mouth and nose are required for everyone coming into the office. We ask that if you feel unwell, have a cough or flu-like symptoms, that you reschedule your appointment. All in person interactions are by appointment, to minimize contact between patients. Your patience and loyalty is appreciated. We look forward to seeing you again.

American Heart Month

“Why are you taking my blood pressure?”

February is American Heart Month,  don’t be surprised if someone takes you blood pressure when you come into Westside Optometry for your next eye examination. (Not just in February but all year long, your health matters every day of the year.)
There are often no symptoms of high blood pressure, so many people are unaware that they are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Measuring blood pressure is usually the first step to uncovering an individual’s risk for heart attack, stroke and damage to many important organs like the heart, brain, kidneys and EYES.

The good news is that, in most cases, you can manage your blood pressure to reduce your risk for serious health problems.

Many people with high blood pressure can lower their blood pressure into a healthy range by making lifestyle changes:

  • Getting at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week (about 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week)
  • Not smoking
  • Eating a healthy diet, including limiting sodium (salt) and alcohol
  • Keeping a healthy weight
  • Managing stress

To learn more about how high blood pressure effects the eyes – Click Here.

Back to School

School age children can experience unexpected and sudden changes in vision that may lead to behavioral and attention issues in the classroom. Make a comprehensive eye examination a priority for your child this year.

Some important health and safety tips for your child’s eyes:

  • Look for indicators of vision issues.    Common signals that your child may be experiencing a vision problem include covering one eye, holding reading materials close to the face, a short attention span and complaining of headaches or other discomfort.


  • Prevent eye strain by monitoring use of digital devices. Increased exposure to electronic devices in and out of the classroom can cause digital eyestrain, including burning or itchy eyes, headaches, blurred vision and exhaustion. The American Optometric Association recommends following the 20-20-20 rule (taking a 20-second break, every 20 minutes and looking at something at least 20 feet away), blinking frequently and adjusting your child’s computer screen to prevent glare can prevent discomfort.


  • Wear appropriate eye protection for sports and outdoor activities.  Well-fitting, protective eye wear and quality sunglasses that offer UV protection are also critical to maintaining key visual skills for sports and preventing injuries.


One in four children has an undiagnosed vision problem because changes in their eyesight go unrecognized by both the child and their parents. Include an eye exam on your back to school list. It may be the single most important investment you can make in your child’s education and overall health.


What does a Baby See?

An infant’s vision improves significantly during his first 6 months. Basic visual function develops rapidly during the first year.

Newborns focus on objects that are 8-10 inches away and will wince and blink in response to bright light, but only for a brief amount of time. At birth approximate visual acuity is 20/800. Infants will stare intently at high contrast images such as the edges of faces. Newborn eyes may cross or wander for the first 4 months.
By two to three months, babies have an approximate visual acuity of 20/400. At this age, they will track movement as well as smile at objects that are about a foot away. Reaching for objects around 3 months is expected.
At 6 months the vision has improved to at least 20/100. A 6 month old infant will open his mouth to a spoon and will recognize his own face in the mirror. Both eyes should focus equally. Depth perception is developing.
A twelve month old child will have visual acuities of 20/60 and can judge distances fairly well, throw things with precision and pick up small objects with the fingers and thumb.

A comprehensive visual assessment between 9-12 months is recommended, earlier if the infant is at risk for eye or vision disorders. Early intervention is critical to successful vision and treatment.

Acuity Testing Infants
Preferential Looking Test

What Are the Symptoms of Glaucoma?

Do you think you will know if you have glaucoma?

The first symptom of the most common type of glaucoma (open angle) is permanent loss of vision. Once vision loss occurs it is downhill, the damage from glaucoma is irreversible and challenging to slow down.
Glaucoma signs include increase intra-ocular pressure (IOP) which is measured during an eye exam. Visual field loss, also measured during an eye examination and loss of retinal nerve fibers and damage to the optic nerve, visible during a dilated eye examination. The best way to determine if you have or are at risk of glaucoma is by having a dilated eye examination.

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve usually caused by increased pressure inside the eye.

Glaucoma Risk Factors:

Family history

Age – greater than 60


Race – African American have higher risk


Glaucoma is treated with drops or surgery and sometimes both.

Don’t wait until you have vision loss to learn that you have glaucoma, schedule an eye exam today.


Contact Lens Prescriptions

A contact lens is a medical device, like a breast implant or a hearing aid. Contacts can be worn to correct vision as well as for cosmetic or therapeutic reasons. In the United States, all contact lenses require a current prescription. A contact lens prescription generally expires on a yearly basis. This is to ensure that the eyes are healthy enough to support contact lens wear and that the current contact lenses are still the most appropriate. Dr. Griffith

An eye examination is necessary to determine the suitability of contact lenses and also to determine the size, parameters and limitations of the eye. This typically includes a refraction to determine the proper power to see clearly, keratometry to measure the shape and size of the cornea and a thorough health assessment of the eye.

Conditions that may complicate contact lens wear include dry eye, irregular and high astigmatism and eyelid irregularities.

Vision Screening Vs. Vision Exam

The department of motor vehicles, the school nurse and the pediatrician use vision screening to identify vision problems. Screening usually involves standing a given distance from a lettered chart, covering one eye and reading down the chart to the smallest letter possible.


A vision screening is intended to help identify children with eye or vision problems that threaten sight or impair their ability to develop and learn normally. However, vision screenings are a limited process and cannot be used to diagnose an eye or vision problem, but rather to indicate a potential need for further evaluation.

Screenings are typically designed to detect problems with distance vision, and that is important for children socially and physically, but myopia represents the least risk for reading and learning. A myopic child is more likely to notice that the board is blurry and move to the front of the classroom. Hyperopia on the other hand, makes it more difficult to see things close up and astigmatism effects vision at all distances. Children with uncorrected hyperopia and astigmatism will have more difficulty reading and writing and may not even be aware that the difficulty is due to his or her vision. These are the children that may complain of headaches, avoid reading and school related tasks.
A vision screening test identifies some vision problems, but can miss disorders that have a profound effect on a child’s ability to succeed in school.

During a comprehensive eye examination an optometrist can identify, diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Back to School – Vision Problems Could Equal Behavioral Issues

This article was recently released by the California Optometric Association.
The back-to-school season is the time to make sure your child is fully prepared and ready to take on the challenges of school. Perhaps the most overlooked, yet immensely important part of that preparation is the all-important vision examination. There is a very strong relationship between vision and learning, as well as vision and behavior in the classroom.

Back to school Children who do not have the necessary visual-motor and visual-perceptual skills to compete in the class room with their classmates, may act out, be easily distracted or not be able to pay enough attention to perform to their potential. A 15 year long study at the San Bernardino Juvenile Hall revealed that a much higher percentage of juvenile delinquents have vision problems than in the average population. According to the study by optometrists Stan Kaseno and Kristy Remick, poor visual skills can contribute to poor self-esteem, which can lead to poor attitudes and behavior in school. After a program that addressed the inmates problems, including vision and victim’s awareness classes, the repeat offender rate decreased from 90% to 15%.

All students should have their vision and visual skills checked yearly by an optometrist before going back to school to make sure they have the learning readiness skills that are so important to academic and athletic performance.

Here are some signs to look out for that could indicate that your child has a possible vision problem:

Behavioral Signs:

  • Poor attention in the classroom
  • Not performing to potential
  • Doesn’t like, or refuses to do homework
  • Doesn’t like sports
  • Slow reader
  • Difficulty completing timed exams

Signs of Difficulty with Visually-Related Tasks:

  • Loses place frequently while reading
  • Headaches or eyestrain associated with reading or computer use
  • Words go in and out of focus
  • Words appear to “move” on the page
  • Double vision (constant or intermittent)
  • Having to re-read over and over for comprehension
  • Difficulty recalling what was read
  • Poor handwriting

If your child has any of the above problems, and is not performing to his or her potential in school and sports, schedule an eye examination. It is important to detect and treat any underlying vision problems that may be interfering with school performance.


Children’s Eye Exam


When do children need an eye exam?

  • As infants
  • When they complain
  • Before starting kindergarten
  • All of the above

Yes, All of the above are true

A child’s first eye exam should be between 9 and 12 months to ensure proper visual development.

Parents have a checklist of appointments before a child starts school, because reading is critical for academic success, good vision should be at the top of that list.

If your child is complaining of blur, headaches or eyestrain, he is overdue for an eye examination.

Call now to schedule your child’s eye examination or schedule online.
