
Now that the smoke has cleared we can appreciate the transitioning of the Sonomaroma from essence of dairy to scent of marijuana. Oh, the olfactory challenges we endure living in Sonoma County.

Marijuana has many effects on the eyes. The THC component causes the blood vessels to dilate which lowers the eye pressure, the blood pressure and visual processing. The vasodilation also increases the blood flow to the surface of the eye creating the glassy redness commonly associated with being “stoned.”

There are 2 main active chemicals in marijuana, THC and CBD. CBD is non-psychotic and THC is psychotic. The THC crosses the blood brain barrier and is a vasorelaxant. The activation of smooth muscle in the blood vessels contributes to many of the effects one experiences with marijuana, the light-headedness and the “high.” It also causes decrease in tear production and reduces the blink rate making the eyes feel dry.  This vasodilation  also effects the salivary glands causing a dry mouth. A marijuana strain with more CBD and less THC will reduce the redness, but also many of the effects one enjoys about marijuana.

Although marijuana lowers the intra-ocular pressure for the first couple of hours after ingesting, it is not an effective treatment for glaucoma. Marijuana doesn’t offer any protection against developing glaucoma either. Glaucoma is treated successfully with prescription eyedrops and/or surgical intervention, both treatments offer consistent control of the ocular pressure and minimal side effects.

New Dry Eye Treatment

There are many causes of Dry Eye symptoms. The causes surround us daily and can be difficult to avoid such as prolonged screen time, windy, dusty and smoky environments, allergies and medications such as antihistamines, decongestants, antidepressants, birth control pills  and hormone replacement therapy.

General health disorders like diabetes and thyroid disease contribute to ocular surface issues as do autoimmune disorders (Sjorgren’s syndrome, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis).

At Westside Optometry we consider dry eye a symptom of ocular surface disease. Dry, red, burning eyes are often not just from a lack of tears, but dysfunction of tissues and structures of the eyes and eyelids.

Westside Optometry recently added a new treatment option to our Dry Eye Clinic. Our new thermal device produces constant, targeted and sustained heat to the eyelids. The thermal device melts the waxy substance trapped inside the meibomian glands.

 Once sufficient heat has been applied (about 10 minutes) the doctor will apply compression to the lids to express the clogged meibomian glands. The application of controlled and localized heat is beneficial for dry eyes, blepharitis and styes.

In most cases, the doctor will follow the thermal treatment and expression with a BlephEx session to clean the lids and lashes thoroughly of all debris and demodex.

If you are interested in a dry eye exam and treatment,call the office to schedule and appointment. 707-762-8643.

Vision Tips for Driving

  1. Even if your distance glasses prescription isn’t very strong, put them on at the start of any long trip. You’ll tire less quickly and feel better at the end of the drive if you are not straining to see.
  2. Keep your windshield clean inside and out. Filming on either side of the windshield can cause a veiling glare when bright light hits it, and every bit of road spatter on the windshield becomes two bits of annoying spatter (one for each eye) when you are looking at a far distance.
  3. Your rear view mirrors should be adjusted properly, and that should be done after you have the seat positioned, and never use the vinyl cleaning and brightening agents on your dashboard because they make the veiling glare effect of reflected light from the dashboard worse.
  4. Be sure you are not tilting your head into a chin-up position as you drive. This can cause you to have eyestrain and even distance blur from your prescription lenses. Adjusting the seat upward and tilting the steering wheel downward may help you keep a good head position.
  5. Wait until the sun is fully up before putting on sun lenses for driving, and take your sun lenses off before dusk sets in. Dusk and dawn drive times are known to be times at which you need all the light you can get for safe driving.
  6. Your eyes will tend to get tired if you simply stare straight ahead on long road trips, so keep your eyes moving as you check your mirrors and potential hazards from either side.
  7. Make a point of “triple blinking” (i.e., three fast, full blinks in quick succession) every few minutes especially if your eyes feel dry and have a burning sensation.
  8. Don’t stare at bright incoming headlights. A prolonged look at bright lights will mean a prolonged glare recovery period after you look away from them.
  9. Blinking lights such as another driver’s turn signal or the lights of an emergency vehicle can hold your visual attention long after those lights are no longer relevant to your safety.
  10. Take frequent stretch breaks and stop before you start feeling tired on long road trips. While on break, turn your eyes up, down, right, left and toward all directions in between as far as you can. This can refresh the muscles that aim your eyes, and it will tend to ward off eye fatigue.
The above suggestions are “reprinted by permission of 20/20 magazine and the Jobson Optical Group”

Sjogren’s Syndrome

 Sjogren’s is an autoimmune disease that affects the entire body. Along with symptoms of extensive dryness, including dry eyes and corneal infections, other serious complications include profound fatigue, chronic pain, major organ involvement, neuropathies and lymphomas.

Most people with Sjogren’s syndrome are women. It can occur at any age and in any race, but most often shows up after age 40.

The immune system is supposed to fight disease by killing off harmful viruses and bacteria. But with autoimmune diseases, the immune system attacks parts of the body by mistake. In Sjogren’s, the immune system attacks the glands that make tears and saliva. The damage keeps these glands from working properly and causes dry eyes and dry mouth.

Sjogren’s Syndrome is diagnosed with medical history, physical exam, specific eye and mouth tests and blood tests.

Treatment differs by what parts of the body are affected.

Treatment for the eyes includes artificial tears and ointments to protect the surface of the eye. Prescription eye drops such as Restasis and Xiidra suppress ocular inflammation . Punctal occlusion, temporary or permanent, prevent tears from draining from the eye.

Avoiding medications which cause dryness is helpful, this includes cold and allergy medicines, diuretics, some blood pressure pills, some antipsychotic drugs and antidepressants.

It’s natural to worry when you learn you’ve got a chronic condition that requires regular care. Most people with Sjogren’s stay healthy and don’t have serious problems.

For more information,


Digital Eyestrain


A 2016 report by the Vision Council found that 60% of Americans use digital devices for 5 or more hours each day. 70% of Americans use 2 or more devices at a time.
The term Digital Eyestrain has replaced the term Computer Vision Syndrome due to the increase in types of digital devices. Digital Eyestrain is defined as “physical discomfort of one’s eyes after spending periods of time throughout the day in front of a digital device, such as a computer or smartphone.”

The list of Digital Eyestrain symptoms is long:

Eyestrain, Burning Eyes, Difficulty Refocusing, Grittiness, Dry Eyes, Blurred Vision, Headaches, Irritation, Tired Eyes, Neck/Shoulder/Back Pain, Double Vision, and Redness.

It is reported that we blink an average of 10 times a minute normally, when reading, using a smartphone or other device the blink rate drops to 4 times a minute. Blinking is a vital component to ocular surface health and tear stability. More important than how often we blink is how well we blink. An incomplete blink can cause more tear instability than not enough blinks. A complete blink is necessary to stimulate a muscle on the eyelid margin that releases an important component of the tear film.

Treatment for Digital Eyestrain includes wearing the best visual correction for the task. Reducing glare and fatiguing light with coatings is beneficial also. For contact lens wearers the proper correction for the working distance is important. A clean contact lens surface and proper blinking can minimize dry eye symptoms.

Contact Lens Prescriptions

A contact lens is a medical device, like a breast implant or a hearing aid. Contacts can be worn to correct vision as well as for cosmetic or therapeutic reasons. In the United States, all contact lenses require a current prescription. A contact lens prescription generally expires on a yearly basis. This is to ensure that the eyes are healthy enough to support contact lens wear and that the current contact lenses are still the most appropriate. Dr. Griffith

An eye examination is necessary to determine the suitability of contact lenses and also to determine the size, parameters and limitations of the eye. This typically includes a refraction to determine the proper power to see clearly, keratometry to measure the shape and size of the cornea and a thorough health assessment of the eye.

Conditions that may complicate contact lens wear include dry eye, irregular and high astigmatism and eyelid irregularities.

I See Smoke

A google search looking for “what’s in a cigarette?” produced the list below. Most of the products containing these ingredients earn a special danger or poison label. The substances are not listed on a pack of cigarettes.

Here are a few of the chemicals in tobacco smoke and the other places you can find them (list from the American Lung Association):

Acetone – found in nail polish remover
Acetic Acid – an ingredient in hair dye
Ammonia – a common household cleaner
Arsenic – used in rat poison
Benzene – found in rubber cement
Butane – used in lighter fluid
Cadmium – active component in battery acid
Carbon Monoxide – released in car exhaust fumes
Formaldehyde – embalming fluid
Hexamine – found in barbecue lighter fluid
Lead – used in batteries
Naphthalene – an ingredient in mothballs
Methanol – a main component in rocket fuel
Nicotine – used as insecticide
Tar – material for paving roads
Toluene – used to manufacture paint

How naive am I? I thought all the danger in cigarettes came from the nicotine in the tobacco leaves. I couldn’t understand where all the poisons and toxins on the above list came from. Further googling introduced me to the “additives” in cigarettes. Chemicals are added to the tobacco to flavor and fragrance the cigarette “brand”. There are additives for improving texture and holding the leaves together. I can only assume that burning the tobacco and additives creates more toxins.



Crying man with cigarette So what does this have to do with eyeballs? Unfortunately smoking contributes to many ocular conditions such as cataracts, macular degeneration, dry eye disease, diabetic retinopathy and retinal vascular occlusions. Fortunately if you quit inhaling the toxic chemicals, the risk of related ocular diseases is nearly extinguished to the non-smoker level.

Visual Comfort at the Computer

computer and glasses

There are many symptoms of computer vision strain: eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, watery eyes, tired or burning eyes, squinting, and eye pain.
If you experience any of the above, here are a few things you can do now to improve your situation.
Lighting is one of the biggest problems. Light should be distributed equally to avoid discomfort. The overhead lights and windows are often too bright. If possible dim the lights over your computer and rearrange your workstation to avoid facing bright light sources such as a window. Use blinds to adjust the light allowed into the room.
If auxiliary lights are used they should be low wattage and not make the documents or desk brighter than the computer screen. Remember you are trying to equalize the lighting.
Workstation set-up is also within your control. Avoid reflective materials such as white or shiny surfaces. Desktops should be matte.
Lower the monitor and increase blink rate to reduce tear evaporation which contributes to dry eyes.

Take a Break. Follow the 20-20-20 rule. Take a 20 second break every 20 minutes. Focus your eyes on images at least 20 feet away.

It is important to have an accurate spectacle or contact lens prescription for computer use. Often a prescription designed just for the computer can relief most eye symptoms. Call (707-762-8643) or schedule an appointment online to resolve your computer vision issues.

Red Winter Eyes

Colder temperatures, winter winds and moisture zapping heaters can cause dry, red and irritated eyes. Tears are essential for good eye health and clear vision. They bathe the eye, washing out dust and debris, and keep the surface moist and clear. The natural tear film also contains enzymes that neutralize microorganisms, reducing the risk of eye infections. Tear FilmThe most common signs and symptoms of dry eyes are persistent dryness and irritation, scratchiness, a burning feeling in your eyes and red eyes. Oddly enough, dry eye syndrome also can make your eyes watery, as dryness can cause a protective overproduction of the watery component of your tears.

How to prevent dry eyes in winter:

  • Cold winter wind outdoors and dry heat indoors can cause or worsen dry eyes. Follow these tips to keep dry eyes at bay.
  • Wear sunglasses or goggles. Wearing close-fitting sunglasses outdoors reduces exposure to sun and wind that can dry out your eyes. If it’s especially cold and windy, try foam-lined goggles that provide even greater protection from tear evaporation.
  • Supplement your diet. Fish oil and other nutritional supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent or relieve dry eye symptoms.
  • Drink more water. Mild dehydration often makes dry eyes worse, especially during dry and windy weather.
  • Switch contact lenses. If your contact lenses feel dry and uncomfortable, ask me about trying different lenses that are replaced more frequently and/or are better for someone with dry eyes.
  • Maintain good eyelid hygiene. This includes thorough removal of all make-up and cleaning of the eyelashes and eyelids.

Dry eyes may not be completely curable but the dryness, scratchiness and burning sensation can be managed. In addition to dry eye evaluations, Westside Optometry carries products we have found most beneficial for dry eye treatment.

bruder mask

Bruder Masks   – a reusable hot compress      



Cliradex  – Individual wipes to naturally clean and promote overall eye and skin health


Avenova – A daily spray that cleans debris and microorganisms from eyelids and eyelashes, as well as reducing inflammation.

Oasis Tears

Oasis  – A preservative-free artificial tear that contains long-molecule hyaluronic acid which keeps the moisture on the eye longer.


Dry Eyes and Sleep Deprivation

Woman rubbing her eyes after waking up

Sleep deprivation has been reported to contribute to several disease processes and to reduce longevity. It leads to hormonal and neurochemical changes. In the short term lack of sleep reduces performance and alertness. Cognition and memory are impaired and the risk of injury increases with sleep deprivation. In the long term the consequences of sleep deprivation are worse: high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, obesity and depression. Now you can add dry eye to the list.

A recent study of very healthy young male subjects implies that the tears are negatively affected by less sleep. The subjects were not allowed to sleep for 24 hours. When multiple measurements of their tears were compared to the subjects that slept for 8 hours there was a significant difference. The tears evaporated quicker, the tear volume was less and inflammatory markers were higher. It doesn’t take much to imagine that combined with other factors that contribute to dry eye disease such as medications, hormones and eyelid health, sleep deprivation will worsen the condition. Dry eye disease is a common ocular surface disease associated with symptoms of eye discomfort, grittiness and visual disturbance.

Conquering the causes of sleep deprivation should be foremost in maintaining good health, and having a dry eye evaluation to improve the tear quality is also recommended.