Book Review – Thinking in Pictures


I picked this book up for no particular reason, I wasn’t even sure what to expect. I’m intrigued by Temple Grandin the author of Thinking in Pictures – My Life with Autism. I was first introduced to her life in a movie, Temple Grandin. She is an expert on animal behavior and is responsible for designing many of the humane livestock-handling facilities in the US. She is also a spokeswoman for autism.

The book begins with Grandin describing her life with autism. She describes her difficulties learning as a child with autism. She developed a strategy of utilizing her extraordinary visual spatial skills to create a “video library.” Her verbal skills were very poor, but Temple’s brain processed everything as a picture. The video library is a resource for her in deciding how to behave in a social situation and allows her to design equipment and systems to move animals. Instead of drawing or verbally describing an idea, Grandin visualizes the design in every possible situation, with different breeds of cattle and in different weather conditions. She can predict flaws prior to construction. Her brain works like a virtual reality computer system only her perception is much more enhanced.

A significant portion of the book is dedicated to autism. I found this very interesting as my own knowledge of the condition is very limited. She impresses the fact that there is a “spectrum.” From low functioning to asperger’s, and each autistic individual has unique capabilities.

Grandin offers many suggestions and resources for parents of an autistic child. Many of the suggestions would benefit a parent of any child.For example, she discouraged the use of video games because the child becomes so addicted that he has no other interests. She doesn’t advocate a complete ban as it does give the child something to talk to other children about. General recommendations include social skills and manners. Temple was required to sit through formal Sunday dinners and behave. (sometimes she did). Rudeness was not tolerated and “please” and “thank you” were required. Again, these are social skills all children should learn. Playing games provided a situation to learn turn-taking, sharing and patience.

Oversensitivity is common for most autistics. Any of the senses can be a trigger – scratchy clothes, loud noises and bright lights can cause distress for an autistic person. I always think of the squeeze chute when I think of Temple Grandin. A squeeze chute is used to confine and calm cattle for branding, vaccines and tagging. Temple found personal comfort in a squeeze chute she build for herself. Occupational therapists create treatments to calm the nervous system, it can be swinging, a weighted vest or body massage. All intended to desensitize the nervous system.

I feel obliged to talk a little about her pages on the visual sense. I haven’t seen any unusual eye conditions that are more common in autistics, but the oversensitivity can be a problem. Avoiding bright lights and flickering lights with filters or using incandescent instead of fluorescent bulbs are solutions. For any child with visual processing problems a developmental optometrist can create a program of exercises to help the eyes and brain to work together.

Like anything having to do with the nervous system, early intervention is critical. The nerves and brain are still plastic and developing in young children. It is important to start therapy and education when an autistic child is young, so that developing nerve endings can make the right connections.

There is a whole chapter on medications. Like the variations in autism, so are the drugs, dosage and results. Temple encourages individuals and/or parents to closely monitor the use of pharmaceutical and amounts. Apparently, responses are vastly different for people with autism.

The book ends with Grandin’s search for the elusive answer to “what happens when we die?”  As she spends so much time in cattle yards and slaughterhouses, she is not inexperienced on death so naturally she thinks about what’s next? She has a dream that takes place in a slaughterhouse, but she describes the upper floors. And as is typical of dreams the location doesn’t really make sense. What she finds in the upper levels consists of, “beautiful museums and libraries that contained much of the world’s culture. As I walked through the vast corridors of knowledge, I realized that life is like the library and the books can be read only one at a time, and each one will reveal something new.”

After reading Thinking in Pictures I have revealed many new things to myself, not just on autism, but people.



BOOK REVIEW: The Mind’s Eye

The author of The Mind’s Eye., Oliver Sacks, is a neurologist who has written books on the various senses, brain function and dysfunction and perception. He makes challenging, vague Vintage-Minds-Eye-2011-194x300topics more obtainable to the layperson.
The Mind’s Eye is about different visual perception related conditions ranging from agnosia (inability to recognize and name objects), stereopsis, and peripheral vision.
Of the seven different topics/chapters my favorites were “Stereo Sue” and “Persistence of Vision.” Susan Barry is a neuroscientist who had been cross-eyed since infancy. Susan had strabismic surgery as a child to straighten her eyes but lacked fusion, the 2 eyes didn’t work together.She grew up viewing a flat world until she finally met an optometrist who created a vision training program for her. Due to her motivation and interest in perception she succeeded in obtaining stereo vision. Her two-dimensional world became three-dimensional. She has written a book about her journey into three dimensions – Fixing My Gaze. If you are interested in stereopsis, have a strabismic child or lack depth perception yourself I strongly recommend her book.

“Persistence of Vision”  is a journal of Oliver Sacks’ own experience slowly losing vision  in one eye due to a tumor. He scolds himself for missing his annual eye exams which would have detected the tumor earlier. Losing his vision in one eye caused the loss of stereovision and peripheral vision. As a neurologist, Sacks analyzes not only the loss of peripheral vision but the loss of awareness in the visual field. He had to learn to deal with moving around without awareness of objects to his right, this resulted in a lot of bruises on the right side of his body.

In the first pages of the book, Sacks describes the human variation in visual imagery, peoples ability to visualize something without actually seeing it. At the end of the book he gives examples of individuals who have profound enhancement of the remaining senses when one is lost and other individuals who don’t gain sensitivity. The one consistent factor of the brain and human perception is that it isn’t consistent.

My one complaint of the book is the footnotes on nearly every page. By the end of the book I was annoyed to the point where I had to ignore the footnotes to finish reading the text.

Book Review: EYEFOODS

EyefoodsA book review is new to the eyeblog, but I’m not sure why I haven’t written one sooner. As many of you know, I am an avid reader. I have been trying to expand my reading scope beyond fiction. I’ve been picking up the occasional business book, or human interest best seller. The inaugural book I want to share is Eyefoods, a Food Plan for Healthy Eyes by Drs. Capogna and Pelletier. They are Canadian optometrists who obviously have a special interest in nutrition.

I am often asked and many times offer information about how what we eat, smoke and drink effects our eyes.  EyeFoods OpenedMost of my information comes from studies, lectures and my knowledge about vitamins, minerals and other ingested substances. Eyefoods is written for the layperson, it is logically laid out, with beautiful photographs. The reader can find information by eye disease : age-related macular degeneration, cataracts or dry eye, by type of nutrient: Vitamin C, Zinc, or Anti-Oxidant, and by food sources of healthy eyefood. For example, I recommend 10mg of Lutein a day for patients at risk for macular degeneration. The section about “leafy green vegetables” says that one medium leaf of raw kale is enough to achieve your daily goal of lutein and zeaxanthin. So that’s why kale is so popular lately.  The authors also include recipes and simple tips to incorporate healthy choices into your routine.

Healthy lifestyle and food choices not only benefit the eyes, but our over-all health. In fact the book concludes with an Eyefood Lifestyle Plan:

  • Wear good quality sunglasses
  • Take control of your health
  • Get moving
  • Quit smoking
  • Take an eye vitamin
  • Maintain a healthy weight

If you are looking for a food and health resource, check out this book. I know my copy has found its way to everyone’s desk in the office and each one of the Westside staff has gleaned a valuble nugget. From fiber content in cabbage to dry eye prevention, it’s all here.

Eyefood, A Food Plan for Healthy Eyes. Laurie Capogna, OD and Barbara Pelletier, OD