3-D Movies

Binocular Vision Problems
Not everyone enjoys 3-D movies. Some viewers do not see the three dimensional effect and others may experience headaches, blurred vision and dizziness. These symptoms are common side effects for a person with binocular vision difficulties.

The 3-D effect is created by placing one image on one eye and another image is placed on the other eye. The polarized glasses are required to keep the images separate. People with binocular vision problems will not perceive the illusion of 3-D, and some will experience a “visual hangover.”

Several different visual problems could be the cause of the problem:
• Amblyopia or lazy eye. This occurs when one eye does not see as well as the other.
• Strabismus or crossed eyes. One eye does not line up in the same direction of the other eye.
• Convergence Insufficiency. The eyes are unable to turn inward simultaneously to fix a target at the same distance.

Some of the above problems can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses, patch therapy and vision training.