August Newsletter 2014



Westside Optometry
Newsletter for August 2014
Westside Optometry Logo
Westside Optometry Issue No. 28
“Enhancing lives with personalized vision care”
Dear Karen,
I know it’s tough to think about school starting in a few weeks. But while you’re scheduling immunizations, sports physicals and dental appointments, don’t forget the most important sense used in school – VISION.
Nearly 80% of learning is done through a child’s eyes. Reading, computer usage and whiteboard work are all visual tasks students perform everyday. A child’s eyes are always in use in the classroom. Therefore, when a child’s vision is not working properly, learning and class participation will suffer. Schedule an eye exam today.
Karen Griffith
Westside Optometry

Contact Lenses and Children      children and contacts
Research has shown that children as young as 8 years old can successfully handle, care for and wear contact lenses. Is your child ready to try them?

Contact lenses can improve how kids feel about their appearance and sports abilities as well as their interactions with peers.

Back to School 

Many children struggle in the classroom with undetected vision problems. The symptoms may include: trouble finishing assignments, losing ones place when reading , a short attention span and/or skipping words when reading.

Good vision is an important part of education. Good vision includes visual acuity, eye health, visual integration and visual skills such as eye teaming, eye focusing and eye motility. Make sure your child is ready for school, schedule an eye examination.
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Fall Trunk Show
   Ellen Tracy Suns

Featuring the complete Clearvision Collection including Cole Haan, Izod, OP (Ocean Pacific), BCBG, Ellen Tracy and Jessica McClintock

There will be frame styles for everyone in the family and plenty of sunglasses too.

Saturday, September 6th

10:00 – 2:00


For more details click here

 Don’t forget you can make your appointment online.

Dr. Karen Griffith
Dr. Karen Griffith is the primary optometrist and owner of Westside Optometry. She has been in practice since 1988.
Westside Optometry is located at 320 Petaluma Blvd. South in Petaluma. (707) 762-8643
Office Hours
Monday and Wednesday  8:30 – 5:00
Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 – 6:00
Friday 8:30 – 12:00 
Saturday, September 6th 10:00 – 2:00
Trunk Show 
(707) 762-8643


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